Este miércoles, primer día de septiembre, presentamos cinco nuevasobras en la Sección Oficial del Festival, entre las que podemosdiferenciar diferentes técnicas (desde un novedoso 3D, pasando por 2Dmás tradicional y obras en flash), diferentes temáticas y argumentos(historias apocalípticas, anécdotas divertidas y espacios dedicadosal humor).
En esta ocasión, las obras a concurso nos llegan desdeEspaña, Noruega, Alemania y Estados Unidos.
El animador Ryan Chen, de la escuela de cine de la Universidad de California Sur, nos presenta una obra en 3D ambientada en una guerracivil que provoca la separación de dos grandes amigos en dos bandosen We the divided.

Gabriel Fco. Salinas nos trae un videoclip para lacategoría Multimedia con la canción Vacaciones en Francia del álbum Cáctus, interpretada por el grupo Jet 7, sobre un madrileño que sedesplaza hasta París para conocer los rincones de la capitalfrancesa.
Frank Robnik participa con una obra llegada desde la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Augsburgo, un documental educativo tituladoMounstrous Wildlife.

O estudio noruego de Tanjet Films vuelve aparticipar de nuevo en Animacam en esta Terceira Edición con sus particulares personajes animados llegados desde Marte, con un monólogo de Stand Up Comedy Matters.

Por último, Chips and Films nospresenta un vídeo promocional de su serie Sin tetas no hay nadie en mi piso y las diferentes vías de comunicación con las que cuentapara compartir información en la red.

On Wednesday, the first day of September, we present five new works inthe Official Section of the Festival, among which we can differentiatedifferent techniques (from a new 3D, via traditional 2D works and alsomade in flash), different themes and arguments (apocalyptic stories ,funny anecdotes and spaces dedicated to humour). This time, theanimation works in competition are coming from Spain, Norway, Germanyand the United States.
The animator Ryan Chen, of the film school at the University ofSouthern California, presents a 3D animation set in a civil war thatcauses the separation of two great friends on both sides in We thedivided. Gabriel Fco. Salinas brings us a music video for theMultimedia category with the song Vacaciones en Francia of the albumCactus, played by the band Jet 7 on moving from Madrid to Paris to seethe corners of the French capital.
Frank Robnik involved with a work coming from the University ofApplied Sciences Augsburg, an educational documentary titledMounstrous Wildlife. The Norwegian animation company Tanjet Filmsparticipates again in this third edition with its particular cartooncharacters arrived from Mars, with a monologue of Stand Up ComedyMatters. Finally, Chips and Films presents a promotional video for itsseries Sin Tetas no hay nadie en mi piso and the various channels ofcommunication with which account to share information on the web
The animator Ryan Chen, of the film school at the University ofSouthern California, presents a 3D animation set in a civil war thatcauses the separation of two great friends on both sides in We thedivided. Gabriel Fco. Salinas brings us a music video for theMultimedia category with the song Vacaciones en Francia of the albumCactus, played by the band Jet 7 on moving from Madrid to Paris to seethe corners of the French capital.
Frank Robnik involved with a work coming from the University ofApplied Sciences Augsburg, an educational documentary titledMounstrous Wildlife. The Norwegian animation company Tanjet Filmsparticipates again in this third edition with its particular cartooncharacters arrived from Mars, with a monologue of Stand Up ComedyMatters. Finally, Chips and Films presents a promotional video for itsseries Sin Tetas no hay nadie en mi piso and the various channels ofcommunication with which account to share information on the web