De nuevo, una semana más en Animacam, presentamos cinco nuevas obrasde animación que aumentan y contribuyen a cumplir nuestro sueño de"caminar juntos para animar el mundo", estableciendo a través de lared, un vínculo internacional que fomenta la diversidad cultural. Enesta ocasión, autores que anteriormente participaron en Animacam - enesta o en otras ediciones- con nuevos talentos y autores noveles quepresentan interesantes propuestas conceptuales y artísticas. DesdeAzerbaiján, España, Colombia, Bulgaria y Polonia; vuelvenanimaciones en 3D, 2D, experimental y flash.
El animador polaco Carlos Villareal Kwasek, estudiante de la VancouverFilm School de Canadá, y con orígenes españoles, los muestran una obra de 2006 realizada en un exquisito 3D que nos narra la lucha interna de un escalador consigo incluso en Climber.
El estudioChips&Films, tras presentarnos la dos de sus personajes, nos presentaa un hacker informático que la última hora comenzó su carrera en el mundo de la interpretación: él es Tecla, el nuevo personaje de Sin tetas en el hay nadie en mi piso.
Desde Colombia, Harold Jiménez presenta una animación 3D bajo eltítulo de Siete Pétalos -Versión preliminar-, donde narra la historia de Tilo, un chico enamorado de la vida y de Vahia, la mujerde sus sueños. Lástima que en estos momentos su amor no sea posible.
Borislava Zahova presenta una nueva obra la esta edición de Animacam.Tras participar con otros dos filmes experimentales - Open y Meaning-la autora búlgara muestra 2 Act I: en la búsqueda de la creación deun nuevo universo multimedia que mezcla los sonidos con los efectosvisuales.
Finalmente, Rahim Baghal Asghari presenta su tercero anunciopar la la campaña de ahorro de energía Electricity Saving
Again, another week in Animacam, we present five new animated worksthat enhance and contribute to fulfilling our dream of "walkingtogether to animate the world," established over the network, a globalconnection that promotes cultural diversity. On this occasion, authorswho previously participated in Animacam - in this or other editions-,with new talent and new animators that have interesting artistic andconceptual proposals. From Azerbaijan, Spain, Colombia, Bulgaria andPoland arrives 3D animation, 2D animation, experimental and flash.
The Polish animator Carlos Villareal Kwasek, a student at VancouverFilm School in Canada, and with Spanish origins, shows an animation of2006 held in an exquisite 3D depicts the inner struggle with it evenin Climber. The study Chips & Films, after introducing two of theircharacters, shows us a computer hacker, that, in the latter time,began his career in the interpretation: He´s Tecla, the new characterfrom Sin Tetas no hay nadie en mi piso.
From Colombia, Harold Jimenez presents a 3D animation under the titleSiete Pétalos "Versión Preliminar", which tells the story of Tilo, aboy who fell in love with life and with Vahia, the woman of hisdreams. It´s a pity, but their love is not possible yet. BorislavaZahova presents a new work of this edition of Animacam. Afterparticipating with two other experimental films - Open and Meaning-the Bulgarian author shows 2 Act I: in search of the creation of a newmultimedia universe that mixes the sounds with visual effects.Finally, Rahim Asghari Baghal presents its third commercial of thecampaign Electricity Saving.
The Polish animator Carlos Villareal Kwasek, a student at VancouverFilm School in Canada, and with Spanish origins, shows an animation of2006 held in an exquisite 3D depicts the inner struggle with it evenin Climber. The study Chips & Films, after introducing two of theircharacters, shows us a computer hacker, that, in the latter time,began his career in the interpretation: He´s Tecla, the new characterfrom Sin Tetas no hay nadie en mi piso.
From Colombia, Harold Jimenez presents a 3D animation under the titleSiete Pétalos "Versión Preliminar", which tells the story of Tilo, aboy who fell in love with life and with Vahia, the woman of hisdreams. It´s a pity, but their love is not possible yet. BorislavaZahova presents a new work of this edition of Animacam. Afterparticipating with two other experimental films - Open and Meaning-the Bulgarian author shows 2 Act I: in search of the creation of a newmultimedia universe that mixes the sounds with visual effects.Finally, Rahim Asghari Baghal presents its third commercial of thecampaign Electricity Saving.
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